Backup generators and standby generators vary in features by model and manufacturer. Determining what features are right for your home or business will help you make a smart buying decision. Since generators can cost from $2500 to more than $10,000 (product + installation), it is important to know what you need before you shop.
First, consider your needs. Do you have a small home or business (less than 2400 square feet) or a larger space? Will you need to power medical equipment or appliances without interruption? Will you need to power climate control – heat or a/c – with multiple units?
For large spaces, uninterrupted power, and consistent climate control, you will want a standby generator.
Shop for the following standby generator features:
Automatic transfer switch
The automatic transfer switch (ATS) is the brains of a standby generator. It is required by code in most areas, and is a significant safety feature. The ATS constantly monitors incoming voltage from the regular utility line. When the utility power is interrupted, the ATS starts the generator immediately and shuts off the utility line. The ATS continues to monitor the utility line until steady power has been restored, then switches back to utility power and returns the generator to standby mode.
Fuel shut-off valve
In case of an emergency you must be able to shut off the generator immediately with swift and simple action. A generator fuel shut off valve allows you to quickly kill the generator should the need arise.
Automatic shutdown protection system
A generator’s automatic shutdown protection system will monitor the generator’s operating state and will initiate a shutdown if a dangerous circumstance should arise, such as a system overload due to pressure loss or overheating.
Factory warranted generator enclosure
Generators require specific enclosures to meet local safety codes, whether they are installed indoors or outdoors. A factory warranted generator enclosure ensures that your installation will protect your home or business in an emergency, NOT cause further danger or concern.
Liquid-cooled engine
The engine of the generator must be cooled to prevent overheating. For a standby generator that is powering medical equipment in constant use or climate control for a large area, a liquid-cooled model will operate more efficiently.
In all of Arizona and the Phoenix area, a standby generator should be installed by a qualified contractor to ensure safety and efficiency. The wiring and gas line plumbing must be installed to state and local codes and regulations. A licensed natural gas plumber with good standing in the business community should be consulted.